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Training Opportunities

You can participate in our scheduled live online events, or you can access recorded sessions at your convenience. Find links to access sessions and materials below.


SC QIO - Assertive Community Treatment Prior Authorization Training

2023 Assertive Community Treatment Prior Authorization Webinar slides 

2023 Assertive Community Treatment Prior Authorization Webinar recording.


2024 Atrezzo Provider Portal Training Calendar

 A link to the registration will be added to the date approximately 1 week in advance of the trainings.

SC QIO- Atrezzo Provider Administrator Training

https://scdhhs.kepro.com/hubfs/Client Sites/SC DHHS/Training/SC QIO Atrezzo Provider Portal Administrator Training.mp4?hsLang=en

January 17th, 2024- 10:00 am

April 17th, 2024- 10:00 am   Click to join meeting

July 17th, 2024- 10:00 am

October 16th, 2024- 10:00 am

SC QIO Atrezzo Portal Login

https://scdhhs.kepro.com/hubfs/Client Sites/SC DHHS/Training/SC QIO Atrezzo Provider Portal Login.mp4?hsLang=en

February 14th, 2024- 10:00 am

May 15th, 2024- 10:00 am

August 14th, 2024- 10:00 am

November 13th, 2024- 10:00 am

SC QIO Atrezzo Provider Portal – UM Create Case Wizard

https://5627605.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5627605/Client Sites/SC DHHS/Training/Atrezzo Provider Portal - UM Create Case Wizard Enhancement.mp4

March 23rd, 2024- 10:00 am

June 19th, 2024- 10:00 am

September 18th, 2024- 10:00 am

December 18th, 2024- 10:00 am


PowerPoint Presentations and Training Materials


Kepro's training materials are available in various file formats which may require specific tools to enable you to view them. The file types and links to the associated tools which you may need to download and install are listed below: